Oh, yeah. You know what time it is. That’s right, baby. It’s summertime. What, you thought the summer started with the solstice? Come on, now. It’s Memorial Day Weekend, and down south, they’re breaking out the white suits (RIP Tom Wolfe) and seersuckers and parasols and all that good stuff. And down at Central Command, Major Alex Louis Armstrong, the Strongarm Alchemist, is breaking out his big, beautiful bod for the season.

And can you blame him? Those guns are made for showing. I mean, look at the man. Every inch of him is rippling with glorious, absurdly-honed muscle, all hot and buttered and glistening. If I were him, I’m not sure I’d actually own a shirt—or if I did, it would be expressly for the purpose he seemingly owns his: to take it off in style.
This summer, take your lead from Major Armstrong and show off your body. Be proud. Because remember: every body is beautiful, and every body is worth showing off—undulating trapezius muscles or no.
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