Hear ye, hear ye! The Dot and Line presents to you a necessary ranking for these difficult days: a history of Gohan, son of Goku, and once the most powerful fighter in the universe of Dragon Ball Z. What follows is a study in raw power, skill, and likability, such as the world has never seen before, nor will see again. Let’s begin.
5. Baby Gohan
Who would have thought this crybaby right here could have the highest power level of any Z-fighter we had seen so far on the show? This kid could barely walk 10 yards without pissing his pants in fear, and he wasn’t even a full Saiyan. Worst character ever.
4. Kid Gohan
It’s amazing what Piccolo was able to turn Baby Gohan into. Yes, I know that technically they’re both Kid Gohan, but since when has logic ever mattered in DBZ? There’s just such a big difference in demeanor from ChiChi’s little schoolboy back there that they don’t even belong in the same category.
3. High School Gohan, a.k.a. The Great Saiyaman
Oh, HELL no.

2. Alternate Future Gohan
OK, so this future was prevented by Trunks coming back in time, but damn, just look at him. The last remaining Z-Fighter is basically what would have happened if the badass Teen Gohan had watched his whole family get slaughtered, and then lost a hand. We never got to see his true potential, but anything’s better than the Great Saiya-Disgrace he really turned into.
1. Teen Gohan
Bruh. This was literally the strongest character in DBZ, and while his age is somewhere between 12–14 (that damn Hyperbolic Time Chamber screws the ages of everyone so badly), he is without question the most badass DBZ character. His face literally says, “Do not fuck with me.” Greatest Gohan of all time, best use of the grossly over-used Kamehameha Wave attack ever, and the strongest fighter in the best DBZ arc (and the last one worth watching).
Don’t believe me? Let’s go to the tape.
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