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Doug Dimmadome Looks Awfully Familiar

doug dimmadome donald trump

As we planned Nicktoons Month! we began to notice uncomfortable similarities between Doug Dimmadome, a rich mogul who debuted on The Fairly OddParents in September 2001, and the 2016 Republican nominee.

You know he’s arrived before he ever sets foot in your field of vision. You see him pull up in his stretch limo, get out in the most expensive clothing money can buy, and hustle into a building that boldly displays his name. He’ll put his name on just about anything, if the price is right.

Even if you’ve never met him in person, you realize he has power money can’t buy.

You don’t like him, probably for good reason. He’s likable as cheap steak, as trustworthy as a diploma from a for-profit, discredited university. His followers are legion. They travel from miles around, hypnotized by his words, the best words.

Don’t even start with that slogan. That annoying, simple, pandering-to-the-lowest-common-denominator excuse for a motto. Close your eyes, cover your ears…

“I’m Doug Dimmadome, owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome!”

Just make it stop.

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Image: Dimmadome: Nickelodeon; Trump: Gage Skidmore/Flickr CC

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