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‘DuckTales’ Might Actually Be Great, Y’all

Walt Disney Television Animation

It It might take a lot of mental and emotional effort to believe that, yes in fact we still do live in the best possible timeline of the infinitely expanding multiverse, but bear with me for a few moments—or at least as long as it will take you to watch (and rewatch) the newly released intro for Disney’s reboot of the classic ’80s and ’90s gem DuckTales.

As others have pointed out, the intro succeeds because it changes basically nothing about the core concept of the show. The cartoon is rendered (mercifully) in deliciously flat 2D. The theme music bounces along at the same pace and with the same verve, even if it’s not quite as catchy as the sparer (perfect) original. The central characters go on a safari, wield swords, encounter a dragon, fight bad guys, and—of course, thank God—swim in piles of gold.

It’s the best we can hope for from a reboot made 30 years after the debut of the original and starring a phalanx of very intelligently cast voice talent. Why are you still reading this? Life is like a hurricane, so hurry up and watch the video.

DuckTales is set to premiere September 23.

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