Editor’s Note: As you may know, here at The Dot and Line, we love commenting on cartoon hairstyles. Today, as #EVBhikesUT comes to a close, I present to you the final #JHMhijacksDnL post, and our greatest achievement in the hair realm to date. I have only one thing left to say to Eric, and I hope he—and you—hears it in the voice of the late Mako Iwamatsu (or at least that of Greg Baldwin): BWA HAAAA HA HA HA HAHAHA HAAAAAAAAA!
Everyone knows that The Dot and Line co-editor Eric has great hair. But could it be better if it were a bit more…animated? Let’s explore the idea:

Goku Eric
A bold choice, if a bit bed-headed, but that certainly goes with Our Boy’s general style. It’s rugged, but iconic; messy, but also exquisitely shaped. It also comes close to matching his natural hair color—not that that means much these days.
Marge Eric
Frankly, I’m shocked out how well he pulls it off, all things considered. That said…I think we can just move on to our next set.

Apparently EVBravo was a little too busy, err, doing the monkey with someone to make sure his sunglasses were on straight. To be honest, he looks a bit like a thing of french fries. (Frylock, anyone? If only he wore a goatee!)
Eric Neutron
Honestly, it looks like a soft-serve ice cream pompadour. No, thanks. Now, on to the pièce du résistance!

Spike Eric
What is there to say that the hair doesn’t say already? Spike Eric is basically just Eric taking his mane to its best possible conclusion. And let’s just put it out there: Green isn’t a bad color for him. If you saw this big blasting bebop boy coming down the street toward you, I think we both know what you would say: “Bang.”
And, finally…

EVB Cartoon Haircuts, Ranked:
5. EVBravo
4. Eric Neutron
3. Marge Eric
2. Goku Eric
1. Spike Eric
Come home soon, Eric! We miss you.
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