Illustrations by Jack McKean
This weekend, the sixth season of Game of Thrones—the most popular prestige TV show on the planet — will come to a stirring finale undoubtedly filled with clanging swords, billowing green wildfire, and badass one-liners. Because we love the show, we challenged our friend and fellow nerd Jack McKean to illustrate a few of the show’s characters for us…from an animated perspective. In addition to the characters based on models from Batman: The Animated Series and Dexter’s Laboratory, scroll to the bottom to enter a special contest for the last illustration.

A mountain of a man with poison-filled veins, Ser Gregor Clegane (after Bane from Batman: The Animated Series)

A seductress dedicated to something dubiously greater than humanity, Melisandre (after Poison Ivy from Batman: The Animated Series)

An unpredictable killer with more faces than he should have, Jaqen H’ghar (after Two-Face from Batman: The Animated Series)

A clown with a crown who laughs at others’ pain, Joffrey Baratheon (after the Joker from Batman: The Animated Series)

A know-it-all brother and impudent sister, Cersei and Tyrion Lannister (after Dexter and Dee-Dee from Dexter’s Laboratory)

CONTEST TIME: Everyone’s favorite charmer, Ramsay Bolton (after ___________________)
THE CHALLENGE: The first person to annotate this story with the BEST GUESS as to which cartoon our pal Mr. McKean took as inspiration gets a special prize, courtesy of The Dot and Line. Kick us a note!
Check out more original work by Jack McKean at his website and on Instagram at @CaptJackHaddock.
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