My Hero Academia 0317: “Class 1-A”
Season 3 of My Hero Academia is in full swing, and we’re following every move. Just be careful: spoilers and speculation below.
The provisional license exam is halfway over, and so far no UA students have passed — of course, everyone’s targeting them, so they haven’t exactly had time to focus on offense. But as the crowd dwindles and the clock ticks, the remaining students adopt a cutthroat attitude.

Those ninjas were clever to attack with tungsten, but their trick helps Todoroki realize the exam grounds are loaded with resource to weaponize. So he sets a trap of his own, complete with a controlled explosion, and eliminates the group. His targets turn blue, congratulate him and direct him to a waiting room, where he recognizes Inasa (who famously turned down acceptance from UA to attend Shiketsu). Todoroki’s deep in thought: Inasa also got in on recommendation, so the two should have met. So why can’t he remember it?

Asui, Yaoyorozu, Shoji and Jiro are in an observation deck when the room shuts down, immobilizing most of the group. The culprit’s Saiko, a student from Seiai Academy with a serious IQ Quirk. Unfortunately for Saiko, Yaoyorozu’s top of the class and ultimately sees through her trick. She makes headphones and a huge amp so Jiro can launch a high-frequency sound attack. Saiko sneak attacks Yaoyorozu, but her team comes to save her. Clearly Seiai Academy doesn’t teach the power of friendship trope.

While Deku, Uraraka and Sero plan an attack of their own, Bakugo, Kaminari and Kirishima come face-to-face with Seiji, a Shiketsu student who can basically turn people into meatballs. Bakugo drops some classic lines like “people like you piss me off” and “I’ll kill you” in an attempt to provoke Seiji. It’s gonna take some serious intelligence to get past this guy.
The Verdict:
“Class 1-A” is almost entirely filler, but it gives a good look into how Deku’s classmates approach problem-solving. But while Deku and Bakugo inspire everyone else, it’d be nice to see their classmates think for themselves.
Rating: 8.4
“Class 1-A” is available to stream in Japanese on Crunchyroll and Hulu. All dubs going forward will stream two weeks after the Japanese release.
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