My Hero Academia 0314: “Create Those Ultimate Moves!”
Season 3 of My Hero Academia is in full swing, and we’re following every move. Just be careful: spoilers and speculation below.
My Hero Academia is stepping into a new arc that’ll transform Class 1-A from students to heroes. First, though, they’ll have to get through the Provisional License Exam.

As soon as Class 1-A is settled into UA’s dorms, they pick up where training camp left off: getting hero licenses. The students and teachers head to TDL— “Training Dining Land” — to start developing ultimate moves, which’ll make a huge difference in the exam. Deku’s at an immediate disadvantage: aside from the state of his arms and an inconsistent Quirk, he’s still trying to imitate All Might. Under these conditions, any kind of smash makes a sorry and predictable move. Other students, however, have conceptualized ultimate moves since childhood.

Later, Deku runs into Uraraka and Iida on the way to the development studio for a costume upgrade that’ll protect his arms. A casual explosion reveals Hatsume (and yes, her boobs in a bit of fan service). It turns out the tech support student frequents Power Loader’s domain. She immediately sees the group’s concerns as an opportunity to test out new (and explosive) babies.

Hatsume gets into an argument with Iida, who’s looking for a way to preserve his legs in a Recipro Boost. If he wants to go easier on his legs, then why not zoom around with his arms (powered by babies, of course)? Deku lights up with an epiphany: All Might’s signature smashes were arm-heavy, but that doesn’t mean One For All can’t work elsewhere. Finally, after 15 years, the guy realizes he has legs. A few days later, Deku saves All Might from falling rubble with a powered-up kick. Not a bad way to show off that newfound understanding, kid.
The Verdict:
Since we’re at the beginning of a new arc, “Create Those Ultimate Moves!” isn’t going to drop any jaws. Deku’s dilemma is pretty obvious, and instead the episode’s strength lies in showcasing minor characters.
Rating: 7.5
“Create Those Ultimate Moves!” is available to stream in Japanese on Crunchyroll and Hulu. All dubs going forward will stream two weeks after the Japanese release.
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