My Hero Academia 0308: “From Iida to Midoriya”
My Hero Academia is back, y’all! And we’re recapping this season episode by episode. Just be careful: spoilers and speculation below.
From the moment he hears Kirishima’s plan to rescue Bakugo, Iida becomes rigid, livid. And it’s not just because he’s such a stickler for rules: Iida’s still reeling in the shame and trauma from his vigilante act against Stain last season. And even though it’s Deku in the hospital, all he can think of is his brother, who will never walk again:
Why did it have to be you two of all people?

Deku and Todoroki saved him in Hosu City, fought his battle, almost watched him die. And here they are carrying out a plan that’s just as reckless. But there are things Iida doesn’t understand either, like how close Deku and Todoroki were to rescuing Bakugo back at camp, and how trying to save Bakugo from a villain is the entire reason Deku has his quirk. So after grasping our hearts and punching Deku’s face, Iida reaches a compromise. He’s going with them, but it’s to supervise them. Same goes for Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu’s tracker indicates that the League’s hideout is in Yokohama City’s Camino Ward, two hours away. They immediately stick out and Yaoyorozu buys everyone disguises. While it is prudent to keep their guard up, it’s also a lighthearted break from the episode’s overall seriousness. The mood sinks as a press conference from UA airs — with the entire crowd watching. Both the media and the crowd trash UA and pro heroes, and the kids sense the beginning of a grim shift in attitudes.

At the hideout, Bakugo’s watching the same press conference while Shigaraki gloats. Bakugo’s already made it clear that he’d never join them (and in fact is not Sasuke)— in his book, success means nothing if you’re a villain. But thanks to the League, heroism is getting much harder. Twice unties the “guest,” who immediately explodes and knocks the hand off Shigaraki’s face. Shigaraki retaliates with a single word — “Father.”
And that means one thing: All For One is coming.
The Verdict:
“From Iida to Midoriya” hypes us up for the next big fight before introducing a new threat — the public.
Rating: 7.6
“From Iida to Midoriya” is available to stream in Japanese and English on Funimation, Crunchyroll, VRV, and Hulu.
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