My Hero Academia S3E06: “Roaring Upheaval”
My Hero Academia is back, y’all! And we’re recapping this season episode by episode. Just be careful: spoilers and speculation below.
Midoriya. I know these are strange circumstances, but I can’t just leave a suffering friend behind. You forced your broken body to get you here because you were worried about Bakugo. If you still wanna save him, I’ll distract Dark Shadow for you. And you can run. Will you stay with me and help Tokoyami? Or will you rush to Bakugo’s side?
At this moment, nine villains have infiltrated Training Camp. They may be outnumbered, but they’re skilled and prove how much the League of Villains has matured. No hero can save everyone alone, not even All Might, but Deku refuses to accept that. So Shoji’s question above feels like an ultimatum.

What we see next is a classic Deku solution — that is, manipulating a problem into a solution. Carrying Deku on his back, Shoji lures Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow towards symbiotic salvation: Dark Shadow instantly takes Moonfish down, and then Bakugo and Tokoroki’s fire abilities save Tokoyami from his quirk. Bakugo is not pleased at the idea of his classmates, especially Deku, guarding him until they’re somewhere safe, but the Vanguard is after him so he agrees.

We cut across the woods to Asui and Uraraka, who stand before a knife-wielding, needled-up Toga. She makes a few cuts before Uraraka takes her down with some Gunhead martial arts — but it’s not enough. Toga realizes Uraraka has a crush on someone, and it startles her long enough for some needles to strike her leg. Deku and company show up, and Toga decides to leave, but not before falling for the exact boy she pressed Uraraka about.

It takes a while to realize Bakugo is no longer with the group. Now, one of Class 1-A’s top students is the size of a marble thanks to Mr. Compress. As a villain, Bakugo can “truly shine.” For good measure, he’s gone ahead and compressed Tokoyami too. With their target acquired, the Vanguard’s ready to retreat, and Kurogiri warps into camp to provide their exit.
Mr. Compress glides farther ahead, and an excellent bout of teamwork propels Deku, Shoji and Todoroki towards him like bullets. They land with Mr. Compress in tow — right at the Vanguard’s rendezvous point. And with two of their friends in the Vanguard’s clutches, they’re not backing down for anything.
The Verdict:
“Roaring Upheaval” covers a lot of ground and plots, but makes it work by bringing groups together. The new risks add a sense of urgency and keep this fight fresh.
Rating: 8.4
“Roaring Upheaval” is available to stream in Japanese and English on Funimation, Crunchyroll, VRV, and Hulu.
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