Wow, the three inaugural Nicktoons are all 25 years old. It’s OK if the idea of these shows being this aged depresses you. It certainly depresses me! Enough so that I’ve been listening to this sucker on threepeat.
That’s right, folks—coming in a strong first in the heretofore unannounced How Distressing Can a Song Named After a Nicktoon Be contest is Desiigner’s latest single, “Tiimmy Turner,” seemingly describing a what-if scenario in which Timmy Turner (of Fairly OddParents fame) grew up a young black kid in the hood instead of a young white kid in the suburbs and, consequently, wished for a gun to “kill everybody walking” instead of fairy godparents to, I don’t know, grant him WAY LESS MISERABLE WISHES. That said, the general grimdark malaise is worth plodding through just for the shockingly triumphant chord change from minor to major around 2:50. Don’t expect the lyrics to get any cheerier, though, or you might just get Jorgen von Strangled by your own deadening hope.

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