We’ve Got Some Thanking to Do

Thanks for tuning into toons with us over the past ten months or so.

Dear D&L fans, friends and family, and the occasional Redditor:

We’ve been around since February, and you have stuck with us (or dropped by on occasion) through Nicktoons Month and political meltdowns. Maybe it’s because you’ve dug our dedication to animated badassery, or because we’ve scored some swell interviews. Maybe it’s because a story John wrote while crying (shut up) made you cry, or because you’re a high-class haiku lady. Or maybe, just maybe, we make you feel like this:

For whatever reason you’ve stuck around, we’d like to say thanks. We run this sucker from our apartments when Eric’s not wrangling SEO at Thrillist and John’s not freaking out about Jeff Bezos for Publishers Weekly. We do it not only because we love cartoons like the man-children we are, but because we believe in them and their ability to change lives. From the generosity of spirit of newcomers like Steven Universe and Gravity Falls to the wacky release of old favorites like Animaniacs—and there’s coverage to come on all of these, so don’t you worry—cartoons give us hope. Oh, and so do you.

On that note and speaking of wacky release, here’s a silly little video that, despite the dread it now puts in his stomach — AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT THAT — John is especially thankful for:

Show it to all your relatives on Thursday. Or don’t! Either way, don’t tell them it was our idea. Enjoy your holiday, and until next week…

What they said.

Yours with love and gratitude,

Eric Vilas-Boas and John Maher, editors

Thanks for reading The Dot and Line, where we talk about animation of all kinds. Don’t forget to this article and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

The Dot and Line
We're the editors of the Dot and Line!