My Hero Academia 0310: “Symbol of Peace”
My Hero Academia is back, y’all! And we’re recapping this season episode by episode. Just be careful: spoilers and speculation below.
Until now, most of what we know about All For One comes from legend. We know he’s My Hero Academia’s ultimate evil and unknowingly created One For All, the quirk that ran through generations of great heroes. We know what he’s done, but not necessarily how he works.

Our first true glimpse at All For One then, is terrifying even though we know what he’s capable of. A lot of that fear stems from his methods. Instead of a person, he eyes Best Jeanist as another quirk he can steal and manipulate. He messes with All Might’s head, conjuring painful memories and regret. He’s even willing to activate his comrades’ quirks while they’re unconscious.

Only All Might can handle All for One’s power, and that puts everyone including him at a disadvantage. As long as Bakugo is exposed, he’s both at risk and in the way. The kids aren’t authorized to fight, but saving Bakugo will help All Might. Deku’s non-violent plan relies on multiple quirks and, most importantly, Kirishima’s friendship — it’s doubtful he would have grabbed anyone else’s hand. With a little help from Mt. Lady and Gran Torino, Bakugo is finally safe and the stage for All Might and All For One’s epic battle is cleared.

All For One’s relationship with Tomura Shigaraki adds dimension to both villains. No matter how many times Shigaraki fails, his master is there to support him and reach out, just as when he was a child. Even as All For One warps the League away, Shigaraki understands the measure of his adoptive “father’s” sacrifice: this brawl with All Might might be his last. But this isn’t going to be easy for All Might, either. Steam rises as his body wears down; his hero form has reached its limit. And while he’s down, All For One twists the knife:
“I’ve heard that same exact line before, you know. From the person who had One For All before you. Nana Shimura.”
The Verdict:
“Symbol of Peace” takes all the tension and fear that’s built up yet and ferments it to an extreme. Now it looks like we’ll finally get some context on Nana Shimura’s life — and death.
Rating: 8.8
“Symbol of Peace” is available to stream in Japanese and English on Funimation, Crunchyroll, VRV, and Hulu.
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