oprah the boondocks

The Boondocks Predicted the Oprah 2020 Thing and People Are Losing Their Minds

What does It take for mainstream media to pretend to care about cartoons? Oprah. The answer is Oprah. And politics. And clickbait.

Hey. Hey. HEY. Have you heard? Have you HEARD? HAVE YOU HEARD??

Heard what, you ask? Well, just ask CNN. Or the Washington Post. Or a number of other outlets at that.

Without entering the “you would have thought we would have learned something about rallying behind celebrities with no political experience as presidential candidates by now” fray, now seems like a great time to point out that we live in a world where nobody in journalism cares about animation unless it makes for a traffic-driving headline.

Anyway, that Oprah prediction comes from the near-perfect television episode “Return of the King,” from The Boondocks’ first season. It raised all kinds of hell when it first aired, because Aaron McGruder likes to tell hard truths. It also won a 2006 Peabody award. You should watch it—it’s on Hulu.

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John Maher
John Maher is news and digital editor at Publishers Weekly and editor in chief at The Dot and Line, which he co-founded. His work has been published by New York magazine, The Los Angeles Times, and Esquire, among others.