#QuaranToons for Your (Hopefully Healthy) Eyeballs

Our writers and editors suggest some medicinal cartoon to keep you happy and healthy during these trying times.

Look, maybe you haven’t officially been quarantined or put on lockdown by your local government, but here’s the deal: Covid-19 is here, it’s not messing around, and you should be safe and self-quarantine as soon as possible. Stock up on groceries responsibly, stay informed by getting your information on the virus from reliable sources, be kind to each other, and for heaven’s sake, listen to Douglas Adams and don’t panic. Do, however, prepare to watch a metric ton of cartoons. Here, we round up some of our writers and editors’ suggestions for toons to keep you going, which we’ll keep updating as the quarantine goes on:

Christopher suggests…

Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra
Two of the best animated series of the 2000s, and really of all time. A pair of epic journeys taking place in truly unique and remarkable worlds. When I saw Avatar years ago I was so relieved that something this good was being made. And then, a few years later, Korra goes even deeper into the lore of the Avatar, infusing a steampunk element to the world that worked wonderfully. Both are series I can’t wait to share with my two nephews—series that share a message of togetherness, that the world can only truly prosper when we work together—and for them to watch an immense work of art in which a woman is the hero of her own story. 

Samurai Jack
Remember when we had to wait over a decade for the ending? This show was cinematic storytelling at its finest, focused on an honorable force of good. Jack has one mission:get back to the past. But he is not selfish in his journey, always willing to help someone in need. Jack never puts himself over anyone—a lesson many people in power could learn from. 

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Where do I even start with this one? Perhaps the only franchise I never want to end. Funky, funny, sexual, over-dramatic. With each chapter in this multi-generational saga, you become more impressed by the seemingly endless creative creator, Hirohiko Araki. Relatedly, “Battle Tendency” is the best arc in the series, and it has the best OP. (Don’t @ me.)

Elly suggests…

An American Tail
This is one of my favorite childhood movies, and when I need comfort, it’s the first movie I go to. There’s something about a cute singing mouse escaping life or death situations that just makes you feel good, you know?

FernGully: The Last Rainforest
While it feels like the world is ending and on the brink of destruction, FernGully is one of those movies that both critiques the world and makes you feel good. Without bringing you down with thoughts of the bad in the world, it shows us that there are people (or, uh, fairies) who want to help, and will keep caring for our world. It really holds up.

The Iron Giant
Like I said in my essay from last year, this is one of those solid friendship movies that makes me cry throughout, but it’s, like, one of those totally cathartic cries.

Lilo and Stitch
This is the perfect movie to watch when you feel cooped up and need to occasionally get up to dance to some Elvis and feel friendship feelings.

A badass woman who sails the seas to save her island and also shows us how empathy and passion are the best qualities you can have? I will take a million movies like this. Plus, the music simply bangs.

It’s a movie about someone stuck inside for eternity. Something to make us all feel less alone right now. Need I say more?

Another badass animated woman defying the odds and looking hot while doing it. You simply can’t get better than that. Plus there’s a kooky bat. We love hanging with bats.

This is my favorite movie to remind me that the world is a scary bad place but we are the ones who get to make a difference in it every day. It’s just the pick-me-up we all need.

Robin Hood
Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is my whole life motto and I’m pretty sure it started with this cute little fox, who made me realize how evil rich people are. Plus, capitalism is the whole reason we’re in this medical mess. What movie is better to watch right now?

Tuca and Bertie
Because this show only got one season (BOOOOOOO!), it’s the perfect binge watch for a weekend when all your friends’ birthday parties have been canceled so they can self-quarantine. It’s nice to feel like you’re hanging with two coo-coo birds who will keep you from going, well, coo-coo.

I didn’t have cable for years and years, and Arthur always kept me company before I could watch anything else that other people watched. I love to hear D.W.’s snark. It reminds me how I got the way I am. Catharsis, anyone?

Eric suggests…

Silver Surfer
The Silver Surfer WORKS FOR A GALAXY-EATING VIRUS, BASICALLY and spends this entire show engaging with cleverly disguised imperialism and cultural hegemony. One might even call it…infectious.

Vinland Saga
Brutal fight scenes, childhood trauma, and—oh yeah—VIKINGS. It’s almost like a return to a feudal, war-torn age is worth prepping for.

Because all other sports are canceled and because this is low-key one of the most suspenseful and action-packed shows ever. It’s like the creators watched the fight scenes in martial arts shows like Rurouni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho and said: “I want that but in volleyball!”

Justice League: Unlimited
The premise of the classic DC Animated Universe—from its first expansion into Batman’s extended family to its eventual expansion to include basically every DC superhero ever—always bent toward the idea that camaraderie could solve bigger and increasingly more serious problems. Batman and Superman were great separately, but together? The World’s Finest. So Justice League: Unlimited‘s penultimate season, in which the Leaguers uncover and demolish a government conspiracy implicating a con-artist United States president who happens to be a supervillain, is particularly cathartic these days. 

John suggests…

The Venture Bros.
To my mind, this is the most rewatchable show of all time. Its dense thicket of allusion, self-referentiality, and punning beats Arrested Development at its own game. Plus there’s a whole lot of it—and once you get to Season 4, you’ll have developed the same kind of affection for its weirdly lovable superlosers as the showrunners did.

Gravity Falls
One of the best American shows of the past ten years is also one of its sweetest and most charming, and it’s filled with little Easter eggs to keep your mind from going dull as you binge away.

Your Name.
We even need to cry during quarantine, and romantic crying sessions are the best crying sessions. Quarantine with a crush so you can cuddle with them after.

Osmosis Jones
Honestly, I haven’t seen this movie in at least 15 years and I maybe never even finished it. But don’t tell me it isn’t appropriate.

Outlaw Star
More honesty: this Cowboy Bebop ripoff can’t touch the original, which is my true anime series love and comfort food, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t gonna watch a ton of it this weekend. That said, Outlaw Star is a lot of dumb fun. Its lead is named “Gene Starwind.” Sometimes, that’s enough.

Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
“Blackwatch Plaid”? More like BLACKWATCH PLAGUE! This show is an old favorite, and the level of wry silliness it contains always scratches an itch.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Think things are bad in our world? Trust me, they could never get as bad as they are in Amestris. I’m the kind of person who finds it comforting that things could always be worse than they are, so if you’re not, don’t watch this show. But if you’re ready to watch a band of dedicated citizens work to wrest their nation back from the hands of an evil deep state cabal and the incompetent bureaucrats who enable them, this is the show for you. Plus, every one of its OPs whips.

Marley suggests…

The Rescuers Down Under
The sweeping landscapes of animated Australia are almost enough to make me forgive that country for infecting Tom Hanks.

Azumanga Daioh
This goofy slice-of-life anime is the perfect thing to have in the background while you WFH! The jokes are funny, but since it’s basically a series of sketches, you can tune in and out as needed.

Homestar Runner
These ~vintage~ webtoons always made me feel better in middle school, and being stuck at home is the perfect chance to catch up since apparently there’s new stuff as recent as Halloween 2019???

The Amazing World of Gumball
Sweet, silly, and available to stream FOR FREE, this show always makes me laugh which is hopefully still considered the best medicine.

The Lion King
Obviously, this classic is great to watch at any time, but I personally associate it so much with sick days as a kid I can practically taste Canada Dry anytime I hear “In the Jungle”.

Dragon Ball Z
Punching along to the pump-up theme song counts as an at-home workout.

End of Ze World and End of Ze World…Probably for Real This Time
Seems appropriate, no?

Maya suggests…

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
When I wrote about Kipo and the art of hope after the apocalypse literally just about a week ago, I did not realize how terribly fitting it would be. It’s a fun, gorgeous watch anytime, but the wonderful weirdness, vibrant uplifting energy, and commitment to love and resilience in this show make it a pretty perfect pick-me-up right now. 

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
First of all, it’s bright and empowering and there’s a wisecracking winged horse, so, I mean. But also, it hinges on recognizing that the world you thought you knew is darker, more complicated, and more ruthless than you thought — and then princesses get to unite and fight for a better world, with superpowers and friendship! 

Treasure Planet
I will always rec this ridiculous sci-fi space retelling of Treasure Island, because it’s visually beautiful and I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s angsty Jim Hawkins and his little braid. And right about now, well, hey. Hitch me to a hoverboard, I’m ready to get off this planet and surf the stars with some space whales.

Sammy suggests…

Bob’s Burgers 
There’s something so deeply comforting about the Belchers in all their weird musical glory. Plus, if you’ve stocked up on snacks, this is the perfect show to pair with them.

The Little Prince
When you’re feeling stir-crazy after too much alone time, a little magic is just what you need—and Netflix’s The Little Prince has got more than a little magic. I watch it whenever I need a reminder that it’s OK to escape from the harsh realities of the world from time to time.

Even if you can’t leave your block, you can live vicariously through Hilda as she adventures through her magical world with her little deerfox, Twig. Doesn’t that sound so much better than reading everyone’s hot takes on the coronavirus?

BoJack Horseman
Because everything is depressing.

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