As far as we’re concerned, a festival dedicated to pop culture wouldn’t be complete without due deference paid to cartoons. Last weekend’s Vulture Festival didn’t disappoint, with its first event on its first day dedicated to one thing and one thing only: voice actors from Bob’s Burgers, Archer, Rick and Morty, and Adventure Time doing voices and re-enacting scenes from movies and TV shows like Silence of the Lambs and Girls, moderated by Vulture editor Nate Jones. They pulled their performances off marvelously of course, but afterward they also took questions, and one intrepid audience member asked the most important question of all: What were your favorite cartoons growing up?
Here’s how they answered:

Kari Wahlgren
Jessica on Rick and Morty
“‘She-Ra [Princess of Power]’”

Niki Yang
BMO on Adventure Time
“I grew up in a different land. I watched a lot of Miyazaki. My favorite is ‘Future Boy Conan.’”

John Roberts
Linda on Bob’s Burgers
“[Sings tune from ‘The Smurfs’ theme] La la la la la la la la. ‘The Smurfs,’ ‘The Smurfs’—oh no, ah, ‘Voltron,’ something more butch.”

Larry Murphy
Linda on Bob’s Burgers
“I have to go with Hong Kong Phooey.”

Aisha Tyler
Lana on Archer
“Obviously I watched every episode of ‘[Fat Albert and] the Cosby Kids’.…I loved him and now there’s just an emptiness inside.”

Amber Nash
Pam on Archer
“I was a big Scooby-Doo fan.”

Lucky Yates
Krieger on Archer
“Uh, Underdog. Thundarr the Barbarian. There’s a lot of them. Not ‘Happy Days’ animated. They turned ‘Happy Days’ into an animated show.”

Jessica Walter
Mallory on Archer
“When I was young, we didn’t have television. There was no TV in the morning….I do remember ‘Bambi.’”
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