Grunkle Stan of ‘Gravity Falls’ Singing ‘Giant Woman’ from Steven Universe Is Perfect

Grunkle Stan just wants to see some kind of giant woman. We do too, Grunkle Stan. We do too.

Eye-bats and Mermen and Multi-Bears, oh my! The rural, forested town of Gravity Falls is brimming with magical (and occasionally inter-dimensional) creatures. Nobody knows that better than your lovable, crotchety great uncle, Grunkle Stan. He owns the Mystery Shack, for gnomes’ sake!

But there’s one magical entity Stan hasn’t seen, and thanks to Twitch user danaterrace, we now know exactly how he feels about it. Giant Women may not be native to the enchanted Gravity Falls forest, but that doesn’t do anything for Grunkle Stan’s heartache over not having seen one yet.

Fortunately for us, Grunkle Stan decided to express his sadness through song. Enter two of our favorite ’toon luminaries, Rebecca Sugar and Alex Hirsch. This video is a real gem:

As always, Sugar woos us with her uke and Hirsch wows us with his pliable pipes. We’ve gotta say though, our favorite part of the video is Sugar’s response to Grunkle Stan’s grumping:

Hirsch as Stan: “It’s kind of weird now that I say it out loud.”

Sugar: “No it’s not! It’s not weird at all!”

We agree, Rebecca. Fusion isn’t weird; it’s an experience.

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Amelia Kidd
Amelia Kidd is a social worker, cat rescuer, and performing artist living in NYC. She writes about how contemporary animation illustrates (pun intended) the complexities of mental health and the human condition. Favorite toons include Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, and Star vs the Forces of Evil. Her opinions expressed on the Dot and Line are her own and not the views of her employer.