These Kids Watching ‘Animaniacs’ Is the Cutest

The show, clearly, is timeless. Just look at all those grins.

Adult: So, Animaniacs was actually released all the way back in 1993.
Adorable child: Oh my goood, that’s so ooold!

That’s it. That’s all I’ve got for you. No more words could do it justice.

Except for, uh, these:

Other adorable child: The whippersnappers today just don’t understand that any cartoons that come out now will never match up to the old ones.

Just wait until you hear their opinions on a reboot. Enjoy.

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John Maher
John Maher is news and digital editor at Publishers Weekly and editor in chief at The Dot and Line, which he co-founded. His work has been published by New York magazine, The Los Angeles Times, and Esquire, among others.