Ali Soozandeh’s film is a striking portrait of sexual prohibition.
The Creators of ‘The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales’ Talk Craft and Cuteness
French animators Benjamin Renner and Patrick Imbert on the fairytale feel to their all ages feature film.
How an Animated Film Powerfully Documented Gun Violence in America
Director Keith Maitland and journalist Pamela Colloff discuss the historic University of Texas shooting and how the animated film ‘Tower’ captured it.
35 Years Later, The Script for ‘The Last Unicorn’ Still Sparkles
Why I love one of the most beautiful films in the cartoon canon—especially for its dialogue.
Ask Scratchy: Why Is It So, So Hard to Move on From Loss?
Pearl of ‘Steven Universe’ needs some advice, and our house head shrinker, Dr. Scratchansniff, is here to help.
For the Last Time, Anastasia Is Not a Disney Film
I’ve defended the Don Bluth classic’s spot outside of the House of Mouse for 20 years—and I’m still doing it.
The Tiny Visual Detail That Struck Me About ‘Gravity Falls’
The next time you watch the Disney XD classic, think about this.
Hey Arnold! Had the Best Veteran’s Day Episode Ever Put on TV
‘Hey Arnold!’ gave this special episode one of the most human treatments possible—and it *also* gave Hitler a giant wedgie.
The Directors of ’Birdboy: The Forgotten Children’ Strike a Grim Balance
Alberto Vásquez and Pedro Rivero on dark and light, black and red, and adapting your own graphic novel.
Here’s Why You Should Catch Up on ‘Star vs. The Forces of Evil’ Right Now
Five out of five stars for ‘Star.’